Oakbank Lawn & Feed Store
Oakbank Store Hours
September - April
Monday to Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
Weekends and Holidays: closed
Monday to Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
Saturdays: 8 am - 2 pm
Sundays: closed
Holidays: TBD
We may be open earlier or later to serve our farm customers. If the Open sign is on, feel free to stop in.
DLF Prairie Green (Pickseed)
A mix of creeping Red Fescue, Kentucky Blue Grass, and Perennial Ryegrass ideal for most lawns. Comes in assorted sizes up to 25kg.
Custom & Premium Blends
As dealers for DLF and BrettYoung, we can order to meet your specific requirements.
Assorted fertilizer blends for lawns and gardens. Our staff will help you find the right blend to meet your requirements. All blends come in 25 kg bags.
- 25-10-10-5 (slow release)
- 19-19-19
- 13-13-13-13
- 36-0-12
Fertilizer spikes for trees are also available.
Please contact us for weed control options.
Pesticides must be used in accordance with provincial guidelines. Please refer to www.gov.mb.ca/cosmeticpesticides for more information.
- Handheld Sprayers
- Backpack Sprayers
- Handheld Spreaders
- Push broadcast Spreaders
- Bird Seed (black oil sunflower) - 20 kg sack
- Deer Feed - 18 kg sack
- Dog & cat food
Assorted dry pet food from Nutri Source and Tuffy's
T&T Cleaner & Equipment
Pest Control (Residential, Commercial, and Agricultural)
- Traps
- Bait stations
- Rat poison/rodenticide
Power Tools
Milwaukee Tools available from our Meadows and Oakbank locations